Training for aesthetics

It’s popular, particularly in the functional fitness world, to bash training for aesthetics - labelling it as vain.

I believe this attitude is complete bullshit.

After 15 years of running clients through goal setting sessions, I can say that the majority of people who train would like to improve their physique/body-composition - usually a combination of increased muscle and decreased body fat.

For many, this is the main goal that gets them into training.

Over time, some people may have a shift in attitude and they begin to reject or criticise physique-related training/goals.

However, in my experience, most of these individuals still harbor the desire for more muscle and/or decreased bodyfat.

In a hypothetical scenario, if they were granted a wish to effortlessly attain their ideal body, they would accept without hesitation.

Note, I’m not bashing functional training. I’m simply pointing out what I see as the unspoken truth.

The Human Strength program is written in a way to improve both performance and physique.


The Zercher


Potentially the most important book I have ever read